Facade Pannel - Water Drops

A few days ago I thought about one thing - from a distance we see a building in general: it's volume, materials, but when we come closer we want to see more details, because it's more interesting to look at details rather than clear planes. But here is the problem - most of public buildings use two popular not detailed materials - hinged facades and glassing. These two materials look similar from any distance.

But what can architects do, if these two materials so popular and economical? 
Quick browsing over internet show me good examples of todays' ornaments, made by Mr. Neutellings. He is one of   those people, who try to return ornaments back into architecture. But sometimes he use it to much.

But my wish - to use ornaments just like ones more instrument, not the only one. I want to create hinged facade pannel, which will be ornamented only at the ground level. It is because: we can't see small ornaments from a distance; average of people looks on the sides more often than up; if we make all facade ornamented, it will look as uniform as other facades.

I want to create 4 panels types - two with convex ornament and two with concaved ornament - it will allow more compact transpontation of panels, a little diversity of ornament, while produsing on the same machine.